"I am constantly inspired by the way the RYSE community rallies around one another during challenging times. Earlier this month, when DACA came under attack, I was touched and inspired by the way we came together to express our concerns, frustration, and outrage while leading with love for community and one another. We often talk about leading with love and being fueled by both love and rage, and in that moment I once again saw those principles in action. It was a beautiful moment, even if we should never have found ourselves in that situation in the first place."
Truth Be Told: Justice Through My Eyes
Register now for "Truth Be Told: Justice Through My Eyes," our annual film festival that highlights and empowers youth voices and visions by showcasing riveting films from young filmmakers speaking their truth of what justice is through their eyes. Their films offer a glimpse into the complexities of social justice topics from gender equity and equality to human rights, education to economic justice, and more.
Response to the Rescinding of DACA
August at RYSE: Lighting the Fire
"Charlottesville reminds us that the ghosts of our nation’s past are actually still very much alive. The fabric of white supremacy is not new and cloaks the inequities in many of our systems from criminal, health care, economic and education. We must continue to fight and educate others to join the movement to transform these systems. The time for transformation is now."
Staff of the Month: LaVonda Vaughn
RYSing Day Party
July at RYSE: Building a Legacy of Liberation
"Since opening RYSE, we have worked to ensure the spirit and story of youth organizing, of dreaming, of taking risks, of listening and learning together remain alive in all we do, all we are, and all we hope and incite. We know that in order to remain reflective of and responsive to the priorities, needs, and interests of young people of color, we must continue to show up in ways that are bold, brave, and beyond the edges of the non-profit industrial complex."
Staff of the Month: Andrew Yeung
"I love so many aspects of working at RYSE, but I’d really have to highlight the deep community that we build with one another and with our young folks as an amazing part of the work. Additionally, I think the bold leadership of women of color and queer folks at RYSE speaks volumes to our ability to be responsive, rooted, and visionary."