Wellness Pro-Tips

Last week at RYSE, we celebrated Wellness Day, an afternoon of self-care, de-stressing, and community connection. Young people participated in healing activities such as an acai bowl cooking class, a self-identify storytelling workshop, a community partner resource fair and more! We collected input from staff and members to break down the concept of “wellness” and created a pro-tip guide about wellness and how to take care of yourself during stressful times.

How do you define WELLNESS?

“Young people, whether they like it or not, are part of the oppressive systems they’re born into. Most of the time, those systems are not working in their favor. Wellness for young people looks like learning about the healing practices they want, need, and deserve to have in their community.”

Fahima Zaman
Health Justice Program Manager

“I believe that in order to heal, you need a safe space to ground yourself. In my role, I support young people in trying to find that safe space so they can start healing and feeling well.”

Randy Joseph
Housing Justice Program Manager

How is WELLNESS embodied at RYSE?

“We embody wellness at RYSE by supporting youth in imagining what a safe world would look like to them and then giving them the tools to create that world.” 

Randy Joseph
Housing Justice Program Manager

“We acknowledge the land we’re on and the love & rage that keeps us alive, we create healing spaces designed by young people for young people, and overall we communicate and listen to what all of our access needs are.”

Bryan Benavides
Health Justice Program Assistant

What are some PRO-TIPS for young people to be well (from RYSE Staff and Members)?

  • Text a friend & be a friend

  • Take a hot OR cold shower (change the temp!)

  • Stay hydrated

  • Listen to your mind and body: trust that you know what’s best for you

  • Be true to yourself

  • Take time out of your day and celebrate YOU!

  • No matter how hard life gets, remind yourself that in order for good stuff to happen, unfortunately bad stuff also needs to happen. It is a balance. Believe that good things are coming your way.

  • Always be open to trying new things!

  • Never be afraid to ask for help

Thank you to our community partners that joined us for Wellness Day! 

Check out highlights from Wellness Day on our Instagram page, and check out the new Mobile Clinic that will be at RYSE weekly on Wednesdays from 1-4:30pm!

Even if RYSE is closed, you can always reach out to the RYSE member line (510-255-1940). You can also use these resources with more immediate 24/7 support when experiencing a crisis.