Health Justice Mural: The People’s Garden

My favorite part of the mural is the tree hugging the women. I love it because it makes the mural seem like we all need to be loved even by something as beautiful as nature.” 
— Isaac Rivera, Artscapes intern and RYSE member since 2023

Check out the newest artistic addition to RYSE, “The People’s Garden,” a vibrant and colorful mural adorning the entrance to our Health Justice Center. 

The mural was designed by RYSE Artscapes Interns and Bay Area artist Alex Bowman. Here’s their collective art statement about “The People’s Garden”: 

We seek to find the diversity we see in nature reflected in healthcare. Everyone deserves equal access to healing practices. The wildflowers are not only an ode to holistic medicine, but the land that we stand on. We have incorporated a mixture of bright and natural colors to give the viewer a sense of calm and happiness while walking into the Health and Justice Center. The people in this mural reflect us and our community. The butterflies represent those we have loved and lost.”

After Artscapes interns Issac, Amaya, Estafanny, Ayris and Melanie primed the Health Justice Center entrance, Alex sketched out the design for members to fill in with color.

Artscapes is made up of RYSE interns interested in learning the different skills and steps in creating a mural including: initial planning, creating mockups, learning how to use digital tools, using a grid system and outline, color mixing, and treatment of walls. 

My biggest takeaway from the Artscapes Internship was learning about the history of murals as well as seeing other people’s art styles.”
— Estefanny Delacruz, Artscapes intern and RYSE member since 2024
My biggest takeaway from the Artscapes Internship is that something beautiful can come from just words and group effort and also that making projects can bring community to any amount of people.”
— Ahmaya Maroney, Artscapes intern and RYSE member since 2023

The Health Justice Center is a liberatory healthcare home for West Contra Costa youth and young adults. Programs, services, and supports are driven by youth inquiry and feedback, not by insurance or units of productivity and billing.  

All services, programs, and supports are provided at no-cost to young people, and in partnership with skilled BIPOC staff, practitioners, and partners. Through the HJC and all the components of our work, RYSE will serve as a hub for organizing and mobilizing Healing Justice campaigns, policies, practices, and investments based on the vision and priorities of young people.

“The People’s Garden” mural is the first thing young people will see when entering the Health Justice Center, and we hope it creates a friendly, inspiring, and welcoming entrance for those who are seeking care.