Member Spotlight: Karizma Harper


Hello, my name is Karizma Harper and I am 17 years old.

I attend El Cerrito High School and I have been a RYSE member for 3 years. I originally joined to attend Breaking the Frame: Anger Management (BFAM), but RYSE seemed fun so I started coming to hang out.

I like that everyone here is very inclusive. The staff are really nice. There’s really no hate here, everything is left outside.

If I can describe RYSE in 3 words: Very Fun Place!

Something that I did at RYSE that I am proud of is that I was in the Lit Diaspora Fashion Show! I was super nervous, because I don’t like being in front of a crowd, but I was like why not?

I’m glad I didn’t back out of it. I was in a fashion show once when I was younger. My grandma made my outfit. I usually like fashion but not usually fashion shows. You can express yourself through fashion and it can help you stand out. 

When I joined BFAM, I was proud because it really helped me control my anger, and I was proud of that.

My favorite program at RYSE is Organizing Club with Diana!!!!

Something staff and youth members might not know about me is that I am partially deaf and I have a hearing aid.

If I had a superpower, it would be to time travel to go to the past and the future to prevent certain things from happening. I’d change things with my mom and tell her that she’s gotta get her stuff together. 

My most treasured possession? It would probably be my brain because I know so much stuff and I’ve gone through a lot of stuff, and my heart because it’s very powerful, and I’m moving on!!


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