Carina Cabriales is one of our DLCAPs fellows, a group of youth representatives on the DLCAPS Committee that brainstorms and collaborate on how to impact how LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula) funds will be spent in WCCUSD.
DLCAPs fellows come together from different communities, knowing that youth voice is often forgotten or ignored in district decisions regarding spending, and hope to spark change through breaking down barriers of ageism and addressing flaws in district money distribution. DLCAPs fellows advocate for young people in schools, empowering them to speak out and take agency over their education.
Learn more about our DLCAPs fellows' work here and learn more about Carina below!
What experience in your life inspired you to become a youth leader?
Growing up in Richmond and seeing all of the injustices that happen because there are no youth in power is extremely concerning, and I wanted to be the first step in changing that.
How did you first hear about RYSE and why did you choose to get involved?
I heard of RYSE through club rush at Richmond High. It seemed like an amazing opportunity to get our voices as youth out there.
If you had to describe RYSE in three words, what would they be and why?
- Encourage: RYSE always encourages you to be the best you and they help you help yourself.
- Believe: RYSE continuously shows how much they believe in their participants by providing them with amazing opportunities.
- Care: There is always someone asking you how you are, how you feel, and if there is anything they could do to help you.
Tell us something that happened in the RYSE community that resonated with you this month
"Valerie is the bag lady."
What impact do you hope to have through your participation in the school districts Local Control Accountability Parent and Student (LCAPS) Committee?
I hope I can change the generations to come, the future in education.
How has participating in the LCAP fellowship benefited you?
It's allowed me to be able to articulate my thoughts and work as a strong working group with others. As well as just getting out of your comfort zone in general.
What empowers you to fight for social justice?
Seeing the consequences of the injustices in my community.
What does education justice mean to you?
All youth have the same opportunities that other young folks in more privileged communities have.
Tell us about your vision for the local community.
That practices change for the better and the children in the community feel empowered and supported by the 'adults' in the community.
What recommendations would you give to people that want to be adult allies about fostering youth voice?
Look, listen, and take action.
To find out how you can support RYSE, click here.