D'Ana (left) accepts an award on behalf of the SB 190 coalition from the CA Reinvestment Coalition on April 26th, 2018.
"D'Ana puts a smile on my face
every time I see her."
"D'Ana is always bringing members
together for games."
"D'Ana is very loving and dedicated
to her personal growth."
"D'Ana is a dope painter."
Some basics! How old are you, where do you attend school, and how long have you been a RYSE Member?
I am 17 years young and attend Kennedy High. I have been a RYSE Member for a year and a half.
How did you hear about RYSE?
It was my freshman year when my friend and I went on Halloween.
What is your favorite thing about RYSE?
My favorite thing about RYSE is being to able to have somewhere to go after school. I enjoy spending time with the staff and participating in programming as well as hanging out in the Education and Career Room. I also liked the college tour, attending Quest for Democracy, and the field trip to Six Flags.
What have been some of your favorite programs at RYSE?
Some of my favorite programs at RYSE have been Youth Justice Initiative (YJI), counseling, Sister Circle, Let's Talk About Sex, Breaking the Frame: Anger Management (BFAM), and the different art programs.
What’s something you do at RYSE that you are proud of?
I am proud of the Social Biography binder I made to show the Judge during my court hearing that included certificates, my high school transcript, future colleges, acknowledgments and art. This helped me show the judge a side of me that she wouldn't have seen if I hadn't made the binder and really helped my case.
I am also proud of receiving the award on behalf of the SB190, End Criminal Justice Fees Coalition and being able to speak and share my story at the award ceremony.
Describe RYSE in 3 words:
Safety, Caring, Supportive
Who do you most admire?
I admire my little sister most.
What is your idea of happiness?
Being independent and successful.
What is your most treasured possession?
My family.
To find out how you can support RYSE, click here.