Investing in BIPOC Youth Power: Trusting Our Struggles & Our Dreams.

Earlier today, MacKenzie Scott and Dan Jewett announced a $2.7 billion contribution to 286 organizations.  RYSE is incredibly honored to be announced alongside these groups.  We are grateful to Ms. Scott, Mr. Jewett, and their team for this profound financial investment in our work.  RYSE exists because twenty years ago, queer, BIPOC young people had the courage to organize and demand a space in their city that centers their collective healing, bold visions, and immense creativity. 

This investment allows us to take huge steps forward in 1) completing RYSE Commons - a 45,000 sq. foot campus and youth-led hub in Richmond, CA for organizing, power-building, educational advocacy and support, creative expression, joy and play, healing and restorative justice, youth-led businesses and community projects, media and technology; 2) launching Phase 2 of the Commons campaign, a co-located health clinic designed for and by BIPOC youth; 3) dreaming Phase 3, housing security for our most structurally vulnerable youth and their families; and 4) building a strong infrastructure to grow and sustain BIPOC youth power throughout the Bay Area. 

RYSE appreciates this transformational approach to sharing and reallocating wealth, investing deeply and with deep trust for BIPOC-led organizations.  For understanding what it means and what it takes to redistribute justly. For valuing and affirming RYSE as a BIPOC, queer, women-led organization that cultivates community, creativity, and power for all BIPOC young people to dream and build what is best and just for them and their communities

The future of our city is in the hands of our youth. For more information about our vision, please visit For press inquiries or information about this announcement contact Kimberly Aceves-Iñiguez, Executive Director and Co-Founder at