What You Need To Know About the Census

The Census is about resources, representation & inclusion.

Did you know data from the 2020 Census is estimated to distribute over $115 billion per year across California for federally funded programs?

When you respond to the Census, you help your community secure BILLIONS of dollars a year for 55 public programs like unemployment benefits, healthcare, financial aid for college, food stamps, Head Start, school lunch programs, affordable housing, programs for seniors and disabled veterans, and so much more.

Local Fact: For Contra Costa County, each person not counted could be a loss of up to $20,000 over ten years for our community.

RYSE youth canvass team, February 2020

RYSE youth canvass team, February 2020


The Census also impacts Black, Indigenous and POC political and voting power. Census data determines how many Congress members represent our communities and interests in Washington D.C.

Since the Fall, RYSE youth leaders have communicated with over 5000 youth and community members via phone banking, door-to-door canvassing, social media and workshops, to make sure their community is fairly funded and represented for the next 10 years.

Join RYSE youth leaders today and be counted!

3 Easy Ways To Complete
The Census:

Everyone can participate in the 2020 Census and make a difference today!

  1. Online at my2020census.gov  

  2. By phone at (844) 330 - 2020 (a list of in-language options is available here) 

  3. By mail if you received a paper form

What You Need to Know About The 2020 Census:

What Census will ask_English.png
What Census will NOT ask_English.png
  • The Census is a simple, confidential 9 question survey

  • Questions include name, address, gender, race, ethnicity, age, and whether you own or rent the home

  • You should self-identify in regard to race, ethnicity and gender

  • Make sure you count everyone in your home, including any friends or family members who are living and sleeping there most of the time

  • The Census Bureau will never ask about your citizenship status, or for sensitive information like your social security number, bank accounts, or payments/donations

  • The Census Bureau will never reach out to you on behalf of a political party

  • Your responses to the Census are protected by law and cannot be shared with, or used by, any other government agencies. Answers cannot be used for law enforcement purposes, to determine eligibility for government benefits or immigration enforcement

Still have questions about how to respond to Census 2020? Click here to check out answers to frequently asked questions. For more information about Census 2020 and Contra Costa County’s efforts visit cococensus.org

To learn more about RYSE’s Census outreach efforts, contact jamileh@rysecenter.org