We're following their lead

Programming at RYSE is anchored in the belief that young people have the lived knowledge and expertise to identify, prioritize, and direct the programs, activities, and services necessary to benefit their well being.


“It’s just been an amazing experience, not just to me but to the people I brought here. I love the programs and I just love how I can come here and feel like a part of a family. Like RYSE is my other family,”
— 2016 Member Survey

Our Approach

We envision strong, healthy, united communities where equity is the norm and violence is neither desired nor required, creating a strong foundation for future generations to thrive.

Our Staff

Meet the people who are helping create safe spaces grounded in social justice.

Our Programs

RYSE Programs are designed to provide our youth with the tools to build a better city.


RYSE strives to be a space that meets the needs of Richmond and West Contra Costa County youth. For those who are unable to access the Center or whose needs are beyond the scope of our services, we offer these resources.

Know a potential member?

To become a member, youth can sign-up here to get a tour of the space from one of our staff members and complete their member enrollment.

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